CPR experience

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People can learn how to protect their precious lives
with theories and practices about CPR and automated external defibrillators.

  • Experience members

    40 people per session (smallest number of members: 20)

  • Time

    90 minutes

  • Reservation time

    10:30 • 13:30 • 16:00 – three times during weekdays

  • Experience age

    Middle school or above

  • Experience range

    OT (preliminary education) → CPR or automated external defibrillator theory → practice → experience evaluation

Experience course

  • step1

    Start experience

  • step2

    OT (preliminary education)

  • step3

    CPR or automated external defibrillator. Theory education

  • step4


  • step5

    experience evaluation

  • step6

    end experience
    <90 minutes>

Important instructions for experience

  • Please follow the experience time for a smooth experience.
    • Arrive at least 10 minutes in advance
    • Late arrival may result in disadvantages in the experience including the cancellation or reduction of experience time.
  • Experience may be limited according to physical conditions for several courses.
  • The children’s safety experience is limited to preschoolers (children age 5 or above to preschoolers)
    • Guardians must wait at a convenience facility during the experience time.
    • However, instructors are allowed to join a group.
  • Among life safety experiences,people 130cm tall or higher are eligible for the traffic safety experience (only for vehicle overturns).
  • A safety instructor must be with children to secure safety for the handicapped experience.
  • Experience courses are subject to change for foreigners or the handicapped depending on the situation of the experience.